Sunday, March 4, 2007

More on the ugly Honda car

So the website has finally gone "live". Surprise Surprise, there are no logos or advertising plastered all over the website. zilch. nada. If you follow a few links, you can find a link to the sponsors page on the Honda F1 website.

You can make one of many pledges to change a small part of your lifestyle in order to benefit the environment. I already do most of these, so I am going to turn up my thermostat 1C in summer (reduce air-con consumption), and turn it down 1C in winter (reduce the heating bills).

You get your name, country and pledge put in microprint on the car. You also get to pledge $XX of donations to a charity - although my take on this is that talk is just talk. Kind of like the billions of dollars of tsunami aid pledged that never reached the victims. They should have created a list of environmental charities, and allowed visitors to actually donate using credit cards, Paypal or Google CheckOut.

Anyway, what are you waiting for? Hop over and make a pledge!

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